Invitation for EOI for Regulatory Advisor

Invitation for EOI for Regulatory Advisor

Invitation for Expression of Interest for the Positions of

1.      Regulatory Advisor (National) and

2.      Regulatory Advisor (International)

Posts and Telecommunications Department (PTD) now invites eligible national and international  individual consultants (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest to provide hands on advisory support to PTD to establish a credible and consistent telecommunications regulatory regime that supports the implementation of the Government’s economic reform program.      

All submissions of the EOI are requested to deliver the documents (including CV/ resume ) to the address  below by June 13, 2014.

Ministry of Communications and Information Technology

Post and Telecommunications Department

Attn: Mr. Than Htun Aung,  Building  Number 2, Ministry of Communications  and Information Technology, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar

Tel:+95 67 407435

Fax: +95 67 407539



The Terms of References and REOI for both positions are available in the following links: