Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Telecommunications Sector Reform Project
Credit No. 5353-MM.
1. This invitation for bids follows the general procurement notice for this project that appeared in Development Business on December 10, 2013.
2. The Republic of the Union of Myanmar has received financing from the International Development Association (IDA) toward the cost of the Telecommunications Sector Reform Project, and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of this credit to payments under the contract for the Purchase of its Spectrum Monitoring System (SMS).
3.The Posts and Telecommunications Department (PTD) under the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT) now invites sealed bids from eligible Bidders for the SMS. The whole procurement shall be contracted with a single turnkey contractor through the single tendering process. The estimated completion period is 12 months. The SMS will consist of the following Components:
- A Monitoring Control Centre (MCC) in Naypyitaw at the headquarters of PTD. The MCC comprises the Spectrum Monitoring Subsystem.
- The Spectrum Monitoring Subsystem includes the Control Stations (workstation(s)) and the Monitoring Software for: (i) the handling of the monitoring operations and missions, (ii) the remote operation of the Fixed Monitoring Stations (FMS) that will be installed in Yangon and Mandalay and or other major cities, (iii) the operation of the Mobile Monitoring Stations (MMS) throughout the country and (iv) the two-way transfer/archiving/reporting of data between the MCC and the Remote Monitoring Stations (FMS, MMS and TMS).
- One (1) Fixed Monitoring Stations (FMS) Type I and Two (2) Fixed Monitoring Stations (FMS) Type II in Yangon, One (1) Fixed Monitoring Stations (FMS) Type I and Two (2) Fixed Monitoring Stations (FMS) Type II in Mandalay.
- The FMS’s are unattended: they can be operated remotely from the MCC, the FMS’s Type I and or from the MMS. All FMS’s have capabilities in the VHF/UHF bands for monitoring and for Direction Finding (DF). Singularly:
The FMS Type I, has Spectrum Monitoring capabilities from 9 kHz up to 8 GHz and Direction Finding (DF) capability from 20 MHz up to 3 GHz. A Spectrum Monitoring Control workstation should be provided for FMS Type I to allow a future operator to be stationed at the site and to be able to control the spectrum monitoring network from the FMS Type I location.
The FMS Type II, has Spectrum Monitoring capabilities from 9 kHz up to 3 GHz and Direction Finding (DF) capability from 20 MHz up to 3 GHz. - Two (2) or three (3) Mobile Monitoring Stations (MMS), depending on budget, will be based out of Naypyitaw. These stations will have monitoring capabilities from 9 kHz up to 8 GHz and Direction Finding capabilities from 20 MHz up to 3 GHz.
- Two (2) Spectrum Transportable Monitoring Stations (TMS). These stations will have monitoring capabilities from 9 kHz up to 8 GHz and Direction Finding (Interferometry or Watson-Watt (optional)) capabilities from 20 MHz up to 3 GHz. The TMS systems are not intended to be handheld devices but rather a compact monitoring systems that can be carried and deployed by no more than two (2) staff.
- An IP/WAN based Monitoring Network linking the FMS’s, MMS’s and the TMS’s with the MCC.
- Services including Training, Commissioning, Fixed Site Selection and preparation, etc.
- The three (3) Mobile Monitoring Stations PTD had purchased in 2014, equipped with the TCI Scorpio Spectrum Monitoring software and based on the TCI 735 system.
4. Bidding will be conducted through the international competitive bidding procedures specified in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits, and is open to all Bidders from eligible source countries as defined in the guidelines. In order to qualify, a Bidder must be manufacturer or be an authorized distributer/re-seller of the Radio Spectrum Management and Monitoring Systems of the type required by this Document in the past three (3) years and must have supplied such systems to telecommunications organizations in countries other than its own. More information is provided in the bidding documents.
5. Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from
Soe Naing (Mr.), Radio Frequency Monitoring Deapartment, PTD
Phone : +95 67 407226
Fax : +95 67 407227
6. A complete set of bidding documents in English can be downloaded from MCIT website.
7. A pre-bid conference shall be held at the address below at 10:00a.m. local time on March 14, 2016, with the attendance of the Bidders’ representatives who so choose. The minutes of the pre-bid conference and any addendum to bidding documents will be shared with all bidders.
8. Bids must be delivered to the PTD at the address below by 2:00 p.m. local time on April 26, 2016. Bids must be accompanied by a bid security of US$ 50,000.00. Late bids will be rejected. Bids will be opened in the presence of the Bidders’ representatives at 3:00 pm on April 26, 2016.
Than Htun Aung (Mr.) Project Director, Telecom Sector Reform Project
Office Building No. 2,
Ministry of Communications and Information Technology,
Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar.
Tel: +95 67 407435
Fax: +95 67 407539